About Grief
If you have landed on this page, you have probably been impacted by the death of a child. And we are sorry that you need us but thankful that you have found us. Whether newly bereaved, or it has been many years, some information on the website might be helpful now, while other parts more helpful in the future. As your grief changes, your needs may change too.
So we invite you to click around to find the content that pertains to the questions you have right now. We also hope you’ll return when you have more questions or need guidance throughout your grief journey.
Grief is a tricky thing. And messy. Grief is personal and individual, and every person experiences its nuances differently. Your personality, your support system, your loss history, your coping mechanisms and many other things will determine how loss will affect you. There are no rules, no timelines that let you know how you’re supposed to feel when.
No two journeys are alike, yet some things are commonly experienced at various points in the journey.
Everyone touched by a child’s death will not necessarily grieve in the same way. The challenge is finding YOUR own way of healing. Remember, there is no “right” way to grieve. What is important is feeling supported in your way of grieving.
While we can not take away the pain and there is no band aid big enough, we hope we can offer comfort and support.
Additional Information
Speaking Grief
Misdiagnosis of ADHD in Grieving Children
How Do You Feel Today